Pursuit of the commercialization of phases 1 and 2 of Pont-Rouge project
SPGI, commissioned by SBB Real Estate, holds the exclusive marketing of PONT-ROUGE project. The mandate covers the first two phases of the project, i.e. approximately 45‘000 sqm of useful floor space.
The pre-commercialisation of the project begins in 2011 with the objective of leasing 15‘000 sqm by the end of 2014, in order to allow the start of construction of the project. This bet has been won with the signatures of several prospects, including Crédit Agricole and KPMG, who have chosen to relocate their future headquarters on this site. The building permit is obtained in 2014 and construction begins in 2015. Pre-commercialisation has therefore made it possible to start works, but there are still many sqm left to rent and the rental condition of Esplanades 1 and 2 must be optimised with a view to the sale of the plots by the SBB.
SPGI‘s success in the pre-commercialization and marketing of PONT-ROUGE project demonstrates the need to involve a partner specialized in commercial real estate from the very beginning of the project.
The solution
June 2015 - With the start of the site, the project became more and more concrete, but it is still unknown to the Geneva population. SPG Intercity must continue to communicate on the project to fill the 1st and 2nd phase buildings. The established strategy is to prospect for a single user who would rent the remaining large floor plates of Esplanade 1, which will be promoted through marketing campaigns aimed specifically at large companies in the canton that are able to project themselves. Quickly, sessions with the potential tenants are organized to present the project. The 50-30-20 distribution (50% open space, 30% closed offices and 20% conference rooms) appeals to future users and allows optimal use of space. Concerning the 2nd phase of the project, SPG Intercity is also working to raise awareness of the Place 2 building, dedicated to the health professions. The tender process was very successful and led to the signing of a lease agreement with the Medbase medical group. The year 2015 ends with the signature of Ernst & Young, which will move its headquarter to PONT-ROUGE site and integrate more than 6‘000 sqm in the Place 1 building.
2016 - The communication agency Buxum wins the tender process organised by SPG Intercity and SBB Real Estate. The aim is to modernize the image of PONTROUGE project with a new slogan: „rendez-vous à Pont-Rouge“. This campaign brings new life to the project while confirming its already well-established identity.
2017 - Cargill signs a lease agreement for the balance of the remaining space on Esplanade 1, for a total of 7‘000 sqm.
The result
With almost 30‘000 sqm leased, SPGI made a significant contribution to the first concrete project of the PAV, which stands out from the other Geneva projects by its strong identity and its situation as a hyperconnected hub thanks to Leman Express.
SPGI‘s success in the pre-commercialization and marketing of PONT-ROUGE project demonstrates the need to involve a partner specialized in commercial real estate from the very beginning of the project.